True beauty of Japan/美の在り処

But the rare charm of Japanese life, so different from that of all other lands, is not to be found in its Europeanised circles. It is to be found among the great common people, who represent in Japan, as in all countries, the national virtues, and who still cling to their delightful old customs, their picturesque dresses, their Buddhist images, their house-hold shrines, their beautiful and touching worship of ancestors. This is the life of which a foreign observer can never weary, if fortunate and sympathetic enough to enter into it, the life that forces him sometimes to doubt whether the course of our boasted Western progress is really in the direction os moral development.

It has its foibles, its follies, its vices, its cruelties, yet the more one sees it, the more one marvels at its extraordinary goodness, its miraculous patience, its never-failing courtesy, its simplicity of heart, its intuitive charity.

And to our own occidental comprehension, its commonest superstitions, however contemned at Tokyo, have rarest values as fragments of the written literature os its hopes, its fears, its experience with right or wrong—its primitive efforts to find solutions for the riddle of the Unseen.

     (Lafcadio Hearn, “Glimpses of Unfamiliar Japan” First Edition 1894)


Beautiful, beautiful writing of Lafcadio Hearn, aka Yakumo KOIZUMI, one of the very few to introduce Japan to outside world in the late 19th century. It was about the time Japan was hastily trying to `catch up` with European countries by industrialisations and introducing many ideas that were previously unfamiliar to Japanese.

Funny enough, I was reading this book completely feeling with the writer: just replace “Western” or “Occidental” with the word “Modern Japanese”, and it all makes sense in this present time.

There is no  point in crying over what has been lost, but the true hope is, as PREFACE of this book suggests, that us Japanese might not have changed so much as we seem on superficial level. Yes we do dress in shirts and jeans everyday, there are many cities of skyscrapers, big mall type of supermarkets are taking over small local businesses everywhere, and we may not pray to our ancestors everyday. But what he found truly beautiful there back then, is still within us, as the book suggests. Some little things we do daily without even thinking might be a piece left from our past. We just have to find it, and acknowledge it, before we completely lose sight of it…







そして私たち西洋人が考えるに、これらの人々の間で知られているいわゆる迷信ー東京ではすでに忘れ去られているようですがーそれこそは、日本人が生活の中で見出す希望や、抱く恐れや、その善悪の判断を伝える物語の欠片として、大変価値のあるものです。目に見えない力を、少しでも理解しようとしてきた先達の努力を伝えるものだと思うのです。                                                                   (知られぬ日本の面影 ラフカディオ・ハーン著 訳:朋)




